jueves, 3 de enero de 2019

Post 9: Changes to my study programme

Now I will talk about university 
The most common problem that all students of design has faced is money. We are always buying materials, and tools that are very expensive. In my case I don't have any benefit and paying materials every week, food and  the career is very hard. 

The things I would change in my Career: 
In the curriculum, I really don't know what I would change because the curriculum of Design is new, started in 2018 and some students of 2017, like me, changed their old curriculum to the new curriculum and we dont know the subjets.
Workload and length of studies: I would decrease the workload because in some subjects is an abuse all the time that students need to use for only one subjetc. I heared the story of a student of FAU that said that when she went to France to other university of Design, the workload was less than FAU but the work was effective.
I think in Chile the lenght of studies is a lot compared to other countries but that is because in other countries the school is better than in Chile. 
With regard faculty facilities, FAU is not the best in buildings and infrastructure and the classrooms are not correct ergonomically, because FAU wasn't design to be a faculty of architecture. So it could be cool change FAU to other place designed to be a great faculty of design and architecture, but is imposible. 
We need more places to work and tools and machines, there are a lot of works that we can't do in FAU because FAU don't have the necessary. 
The use of technology in FAU is normal, there are good machines and laser machines, but is not enough...  I can say that the computer rooms are fine but I would change some datas.
And about Teaching methods, that depends of the teacher, there are good teachers with different teaching methods and other teachers more traditional. 

1 comentario:

  1. I think that there should be a scholarship from the university that allows design and architecture students to opt for their materials to be purchased and so they do not spend so much money of their own.
