jueves, 27 de diciembre de 2018

Post 8. Holidays

 I strongly believe that I will not travel far away, maybe I will go to my grandmother's house 
in Maitencillo with my mother and one friend if he has free days, but it will be for a short time,
 like a week or in the weekend but I agree with I have a lot of plans for my holidays that I need 
to carry out in my house. 
First I need to pay the suscription of my favourite game because my friends in the game miss me
 and i miss the game, then I will increase my gear and I will invite my friends to my house to play
 player versus player. 

I have a pool in my house but it is empty, my father doesn't want to restore it because he said that no
 one gets in the pool, and that is true, but no one gets in the pool because it is boring swimming alone.
 I need to find the way to fill it and invite my friends.

 Other activity I want to do in holidays is playing role play with my friends, we started on dicember, and 
they had 2 sessions, but I only assisted in the first session because university consumes me.

Other more boring activities are to sort and clean my bedroom, because I don't know how can I sleep in this dump,
and I will sell objets that I don't use. 

In my opinion, start the vacations on january is sad, because you can't stay quiet in end of year parties
 and now all my friends are free and I am the only one who is in class. 

jueves, 20 de diciembre de 2018

Post 7: Do Violent Video Games Contribute to Youth Violence?

The problem is that Children and teens increasingly play video games and more than half 
of the 50 top-selling video games contain violence.
The debate over violent video games is because some people think that video games 
teach how to be violent and they relate kids violent behavior with video games.
In my position, violent video games may provide a safe outlet for aggressive and 
angry feelings and may reduce crime because kids can vent his rage destroying
 or killing in the game and then they no need to be aggressive. 

Children have a lot of emotions and they need to channel them  somehow, some can channel
 with sports, or activities. But now ,in agreement with the period, children are closer to
 Kids can learn a lot with video games and use that to save their lifes, because
 in violent videogames an important point is to survive:
 An example of this is Hans Jorgen Olsen, a brave norwegian with only 12 years, that
 saved his little sister from the attack of an elk, thanks to techniques he learned playing
 World of Warcraft: a game considered violent.

In conclusion although there are a lot of sources of posible stimulation that can 
contribute to violence in children, like movies, cartoons, video games, and in the news.
Video games are a interactive valuable tool to increase knowledge and experience 
and violent video games more than contribute to youth violence, they can help
users to channel and teach survival techniques.

Post 6: Post-graduate studies

Post 5. Future job(s)